
Crêpe Batter

110g plain (all-purpose) flour
5g fine salt
25g caster or granulated sugar
200ml whole (full fat) milk
100ml whipping cream (minimum 30% fat)
150g eggs (3)
5ml (1 tsp) vanilla extract
15ml (1 tbsp) Cointreau or rum (optional)
25g unsalted butter

Extra butter or oil for crêpe pan


Melt the butter in a saucepan and set aside to cool. Sift the flour, salt and sugar into a bowl. Create a well in the middle and slowly add the milk and the cream a bit at a time, whisking to mix together the wet and the dry ingredients.

Once combined together, beat in the eggs one at a time then add the vanilla and the alcohol (if using). Add the melted butter, cover the batter and leave to chill in the fridge for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Heat a crêpe pan on a high heat and add a small amount of butter or oil. Ladle in the crêpe batter and swirl around the pan to cover the bottom with a thin layer of the mixture. After a minute or two, once the crêpe starts to slide around if you move the pan, flip the crêpe over and continue to cook the second side for a minute.

Use a spatula to gently lift a corner to check the crêpe is cooked, then slide onto a warmed plate and cover with aluminium foil or a clean tea towel to keep warm.

Repeat the process, stacking the crêpes as you go along. Serve immediately.